Why Blackberries Are Called Superfood?


Why Blackberries Are Called Superfood?

Raspberries are popular fruit and frequently used, but the blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) are even healthier and more nutritious.

As for the amounts of antioxidants, blueberries are at the top of the fruit list in the world – over strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.
Blackberries contain a large amount of vitamin K. It’s actually one of the top purple foods to live by. A handful of blackberries daily satisfy a third of total needs for vitamin K. The anticoagulant properties of vitamin C make blackberries a good choice for women who suffer from painful PMS. Vitamin K also contributes to the regulation of hormones and reduces the pain caused by cramps. It can also be useful for women who suffer from excessive bleeding.
Blackberries are good and in the prevention of cardiovascular problems. One of the important functions of vitamin K in the body is to regulate the redistribution of calcium, redirecting it into the bones and preventing the calcium to build up in the arteries which lead to their hardening. Regular consumption of blackberries can contribute to lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of a heart attack.
Several studies have also shown that the berries are very healthy for the brain. Regular consumption of blackberries can significantly correct the cognitive abilities. This is due to polyphenols the substance that blackberries contain, and manganese, which contributes to the functioning of nerve synapses. While we’re briefly on the topic of polyphenols, it may be worth doing some research into 9 health benefits of polyphenols for example, just so you know the basics of this micronutrient.

Regular consumption of blackberries can significantly correct the cognitive abilities and protects the body from chronic inflammation. This is due to polyphenols the substance that blackberries contain, and manganese, which contributes to the functioning of nerve synapses. One study conducted on people found that with regular consumption of berries there are 88% less likely chances to have a stomach ulcer.
Blackberries also have antibacterial properties.

Dentists have found that consumption of blackberries reduces the number of infections of the oral cavity because they act only on the infected cells while leaving healthy intact.
Several studies have shown that blueberries possess significant anti-cancer properties.

Polyphenols that blackberries contain inhibit cell mutation. In particular, eating blackberries is highly advised to those who are at risk of lung cancer. Anthocyanins, special polyphenols, that the blackberries contain acts preventively against the growth of malignant tumors in the lungs. Vitamins K1 and K2 that blackberries contain are also connected with the prevention of malignancy. They act on tumors changing their receptor molecules.

Related: 3 Detox Blackberry Juice Recipes For Healthy Body