Awesome Salad For Thin Waist!


Awesome salad for thin waist!

This salad is very beneficial for your health and in the same time helps naturally reduce weight especially the fat deposits around your stomach.

It takes very little time to prepare with few healthy ingredients and it is so easy everyone can do it. This mix is full of fiber and nutrients and it is the right solution if you want to cleanse the body toxins and lose weight in a short time. It is an excellent salad to stimulate peristaltic movement with cleansing the colon.

The necessary ingredients for this salad are:

  • 1/2 raw red cabbage
  • 1 beetroot, 2 carrots
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • handful of parsley
  • 1 broccoli crown
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar.

Grate the cabbage, the beetroot and the carrots. Chop the celery, broccoli and the parsley. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and organic apple cider vinegar. Sounds healthy. Yes. But most importantly it tastes great. This salad is a great option for lunch or dinner, or if you like you can use it as a side dish.