Start your day with bee pollen healthy energy drink
Bee pollen is a treasure trove of nutrients, including amino acids, B vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. A working bee needs a whole month to collect only one tablespoon of pollen. So why are we using this special bee product? What is bee pollen special?
Here are the reasons why bee pollen special.
Bee pollen is one of the most complete food on the planet when it comes to nutrients. Its nutritional value is not comparable to other foods in its diversity of nutrients. Amino acids in the bee pollen are composed in the way that our organism can immediately absorb them. Even the cheese, eggs and meat don´t have so many amino acids. Since ancient times it was believed that a person can live only from bee pollen and nothing else. Bee pollen can not be produced artificially. Bees have a well-hidden secret. The collected pollen is stored in the hives so that it can be used only bee queen.
Humans digestive system can not break the celluloid membrane that the pollen grain is enfolded. If we want to use all the nutrients from this miraculous product, the membrane of the pollen grain must be soaked in water to swell and burst, and then used in the daily diet.
Humans digestive system can not break the celluloid membrane that the pollen grain is enfolded. If we want to use all the nutrients from this miraculous product, the membrane of the pollen grain must be soaked in water to swell and burst, and then used in the daily diet.
We give you a suggestion how to use pollen grains and prepare a quick morning energizing drink to start a day full of nutrients.

Healthy energizing bee pollen morning drink-recipe
Ingredients (serves 1)
- 1 banana
- 1 tablespoon of soaked bee pollen granules
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- 1 quail egg
- 1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice
Put all the ingredients in the blender and mix until it is fully blended.Also if you are not a banana fan you can use few boiled dry plums (without seeds) and add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of flax seed.
Pour into a glass and enjoy this magical drink that will give you the needed energy to start your day.
Related: 6 – Most Active Bee Products