Two Super Green Energy Boosting Juices

Two super green energy boosting juices

Two super green energy boosting juices

This green energy boosting juices are perfect to prepare in the mornings, an excellent way to start a day with all the needed vitamins and minerals for the body. Cucumbers are naturally cooling and hydrating food, rich in potassium and magnesium, perfect for improving the skin complexion. The green leaf plants contain chlorophyll, they help oxygenate the blood and in that way they increase the body energy and help to relax nerves and muscles. Carrots and lemons provide the necessary vitamins C and A that are essential for our organism. Cabbage improves digestion and reduces constipation and cleans the waste from the stomach as well as the ginger that relaxes the intestinal tract and reduces gasses. So these 2 juice recipes are already made, tried and are a perfect morning start combination.

Green energy juice

green energy juice

Servings for 1 person

Ingredients for the green energy juice:

  • 1 large cucumber
  • 6 celery stalks
  • 2 kale leaves
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 handful of parsley
  • 1/4 lemon together with rind
  • 8in (2 cm) ginger root


  1. Peel the cucumber.
  2. Rinse the celery, kale, spinach and the parsley.
  3. Best use organic lemons, but if they are market lemons clean them properly of all that pesticides. Make a solution of 1: 4 white (alcohol) vinegar and water; soak them for half an hour and rinse with water. Vinegar can neutralize most of the bacteria and pesticides that are on fruits.
  4. Peel the ginger root.
  5. Add all ingredients into a juicer squeeze and consume immediately.

Strength boost juice

green strength boost juice

Servings for 1 person

Ingredients for the green strength boost juice:

  • 4 celery stalks
  • 3 parsley stems
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 cup of cabbage
  • 4in (1cm) ginger root


  1. Rinse the celery and the parsley.
  2. Wash the carrot.
  3. Cut the cabbage in smaller pieces.
  4. Peel the ginger root.
  5. Add all ingredients into a juicer like the slow juicer, squeeze and consume immediately.

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Two super green energy boosting juices

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