How should we feed our brain? The brain is not an organ like any other. It is the largest consumer of oxygen and energy, and with good reason. It is our computer that runs non-stop, 24 hours a day. If we are forgetful at a young age is not a big problem, but as we […]
Lemon water recovers your body Dehydration can cause fatigue and decline in immunity, which can lead to constipation, high blood pressure and insomnia. Also, water cleanses the body of toxins, stimulates the kidneys and produces enzymes essential for the normal functioning of the liver. It is commonly recommended to drink eight glasses of water per […]
Detox Your Body With Lemon and Flax Seed A perfect everyday healthy drink for a perfect health. This drink is very healthy because it contains vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, soluble fiber, and lignin. How to prepare this drink? Ingredients: A cup of hot water, 1 lemon, ¼ tablespoon of ground flaxseed. Preparation: Squeeze the […]
Herbal Teas That Helps Your Body Chamomile Tea Herbal tea of chamomile flowers balances the psyche and has a beneficial effect on the whole body. Chamomile is one of the oldest drugs in traditional medicine. The chamomile flowers are healing and have been recommended for the treatment of stomach pains, inflammation, stress and allergies. Chamomile […]
4 Grapefruit Juice Health Benefits Grapefruit is very rich and an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C. Health Benefits of Grapefruit. 1. Antioxidant Activity. Grapefruit contains phytonutrients called limonoids that inhibit tumor formations, the pulp of grapefruit contains glucarates, and compounds that may help prevent breast cancer and grapefruit juice is ranked among […]