Four apple smoothie delights recipes
Apple is the queen of fruits, delicious and medicinal. Apple belongs to the rose family, and the cultivated apple tree originates from southern Siberia, Central Asia, and Eastern Europe, from where it spread throughout the world. Today is the most cultivated tree in the world.
One apple is like a treasure chest.
It is rich in fiber (cellulose, pectin, and lignin). It contains 20% of the daily recommended amount of fiber. Fibers from apple reduce bad cholesterol and prevent heart diseases. Apples are rich in vitamins C, A, E, K, and B, minerals (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and iron). It contains lactic and citric acids that help in the digestion process. It supplies the body with energy, prevents fatigue and clears the mind. Before bedtime eat one apple and you will have a peaceful and calm sleep.
In many dietary menus, you will find an apple as an essential food for weight loss and it is no wonder because a medium size apple fruit has only 80 calories, and a wealth of nutrients – vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Apple contains pectin – a fibrous substance that bloat in contact with water, so when you eat an apple you will feel satiated.
Tannic acid contained in apple enhances metabolism and prevents fat deposits in the liver. Since it contains a lot of potassium, stimulates water release from the body. One apple contains 90% water, so perfectly quenches thirst and at the same time refreshes the body.

Ingredients (serves 2)
- 2 cups carrot juice
- 1/2 cups apple juice
- 6 ounces non‐fat vanilla or plain yogurt, frozen
- 1 banana
Put all ingredients into blender. Blend until smoothie consistency is reached!

Ingredients (serves 1)
- 1 frozen banana
- 1/2 peeled, chopped apple
- 1 cup apple juice
- 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
- Pinch of nutmeg
Blend. Great substitute for applesauce! Control the consistency by adding more or less chopped apple.

Ingredients (serves 1)
- 1 bananas
- 1/2 green apple
- 1/2 red apple
- 10 frozen strawberries
- 1 cups apple juice
Put all the ingredients in the blender in the order listed and mix on high until fully blended.

Ingredients (2 servings)
- 1 1/4 cups cold apple juice
- 1 ripe banana, sliced
- 1 kiwifruit, sliced
- 5 frozen strawberries
- 2 big fresh strawberries
- 1 1/2 teaspoons honey
Put all the ingredients in the blender. Blend until smoothie consistency is reached!