9 Facts about this amazing grain.
Oats contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber, when consumed daily, can contribute to the prevention of numerous diseases therefore, oatmeal is one of the first recommendations for a daily healthy breakfast.

It gives energy.
Oats are a good source of complex carbohydrates that can provide us with enough energy until the next meal.
It helps maintain normal body weight.
Oats contain soluble fiber which is retained in the stomach longer and contribute to the feeling of satiety. This can help later in the day not exaggerate with food, which can help maintain a desirable body weight.
It regulates the digestive system.
Oats is an excellent source of fiber, especially soluble, which significantly increases the volume when they absorb water in the digestive organs, and act as a “cleaner” that helps the movement of food through the intestines.
Improves immunity.
Are you surprised? A special type of fiber contained in oats, called beta-gluten helps reach the infected site and enhances their ability to quickly eliminate bacteria.
Contributes to the prevention of diabetes.
Research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that oats causes poor glycemic response of the organism, which is associated with lower insulin resistance and less chance of developing diabetes.
Contributes to lowering high blood pressure.
Some research has shown that regular consumption of oats can contribute to high blood pressure.
Contributes to the prevention of cancer.
Oats contains enterolactone, a phyto-chemical from the group of plant lignans, which may contribute to the prevention of malignant changes.
Contributes to lower cholesterol.
Consuming oatmeal daily helps remove LDL or “bad”cholesterol, while maintaining the good cholesterol that your body needs.
Reduces the risk of heart disease.
The Food and Drug Administration announced that oatmeal could carry a label claiming it may reduce the risk of heart disease when combined with a low-fat diet.