EYE – The Amazing Organ
One of the most amazing organs represented in almost every species is certainly the eye. It contains a complex optical system that works similarly to a camera. It reacts to the light and pressure that is reflected from the surrounding environment and converts them in images, creating visual information deciphered in our brain.
The eye is the organ providing us with one of the five fundamental senses we have, giving us the ability to see the world around us. Due to this, it’s so important that we care for our eyes and ensure that our vision remains flawless. As we age, this can become more difficult as there are some eye conditions that can affect our eyes as we get older. Luckily, there are treatments, like smile vs lasik, that are both innovative methods of improving vision for those who may be suffering.
How sharp can our vision be and how far can a human eye see?
Well, our vision can actually extend far beyond the horizon. Depending on the brightness of the object and its visibility, vision scientists concluded that a person could make out the faint glimmer of a candle flame up to 30 miles (50 km) away or we can perceive bright lights hundredths of miles distant if we are standing on top of a mountain. This is impressive but not everyone has vision as strong as this which often will lead them to speak with an optometrist about the options for improving this – in addition, optometrists looking to take their practice to the next level may want to work with the likes of the williams group to provide their customers with high-end service.
But how far away can we perceive an object that is more than just a twinkle of light?
Human-scale objects are resolvable as extended objects from a distance of just under 2 miles (3 km). For example, at that distance, we would just be able to make out two distinct headlights on a car
Because of its incredibly high precision and performance, the eye is one of the most amazing of organs in the body which provides us a vision of one of the most fundamental of human senses. All of the muscles of the eye are in constant movement to carry out three simultaneous functions necessary for vision:
- Exploration of the field of vision.
- Opening and closing of the pupil according to the light available (diaphragm).
- Modification of the curve of the lens of the eye according to the distance of the viewed object, thus bringing it into sharp focus.
At the same time, it is performing all of these tasks, the eye continuously sends information to the brain through the optic nerve. It is calculated that while awake, the million or so nerve cells that form the retina send information to the brain at a rate equivalent to 100 Mbps (Mb per second).
Today only the fastest computer networks can match this transmission speed.
Our eyes only need very little attention.
To carry out all of these complex functions, the eye only needs a small amount of oxygen and several other substances found in foods like vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy eyes, such as these 3 best plant-based foods for healthy eyes.

1. Carrots:
This root vegetable is crunchy, tasty, and highly nutritious and often claimed to be a perfect eye food. Carrots are a particularly good source of beta-carotenes, Vitamin A and antioxidants. Medium sized carrot has approximately a hundred grams and this amount is enough to satisfy our daily needs of Vitamin A.
Vitamin A is necessary for the formation of rhodopsin, the light-sensitive pigment found in the cells of the retina.
It is also necessary for maintaining the conjunctiva (the anterior membrane of the eye) moist and in good condition.
Lack of vitamin A is manifest by a loss of night vision and dry, irritated eyes.

2. Spinach:
In addition to beta-carotene (provitamin A), the eyes need other carotenoids (vegetable pigments) such as lutein and zeaxanthin to function properly. Spinach, above all, is a are a good source of these carotenoids.
Improved eyesight is one of the benefits this green leafy vegetable provides our body. Whether eaten raw or cocked it contains an equal amount of nutrients so make sure you add this delicious vegetable in your daily diet.
Regular consumption of spinach reduces the risk of macular degeneration of the retina, the most important cause of irreversible vision loss for those over 65 years of age.
Not only is spinach a source of lutein and zeaxanthin it also has beta-carotene, but this plant is also packed with omega-3 fatty acids, glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid, vitamins C, E, and B as well as the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. Low in calories and jam-packed with nutrients, spinach should be a regular part of your daily menu.
Find out here what other amazing health benefits spinach can offer.

3. Apricots
Sweet, fragrant fruit with luscious flavor and velvety surface. Good source of Vitamin A, also known as retinol, which is fat soluble allowing our body to easily absorb the nutrients. Apricots contain nutrients that help in improving eyesight.
Although fresh apricots are grown generally during the summer months, you can get dried or canned apricots at any time of the year. They may also be available in some produce markets during colder months, but likely at a higher cost since they will have been imported. Whichever way you prefer to eat them – fresh, canned or dried – apricots are full of many wonderful vitamins and nutrients that will help you feel healthier on a daily basis.
This fruit provides provitamin A and B group vitamins, which help maintain the delicate conjunctive membrane of the eye in a healthy condition.
Deficiency in vitamins A and B predisposes to dryness of the conjunctiva and fosters or aggravates conjunctivitis.
Did you know that the right proportion of Vitamin A and C and other antioxidants make apricots number one fruit in slowing the skin aging process? Here you can read more on how many ways eating apricots can have a positive effect on your health, including the prevention of disease and sickness.
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