Top Herbs For The Immune System
In case of milder inflammations, but also for prevention, it is best to use remedies from nature, because they are extremely effective and have no side effects.
In the fight against infections, man can rely on his own immunity and natural and artificial preparations with antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal action. The body’s defenses can be strengthened with proper nutrition, especially with vitamins and minerals from fresh fruits and vegetables. Lately, there has been a lot of appeal to the rational use of antibiotics and the fact that synthetic drugs of this kind do not work on viruses and that it is pointless to take them in case of viral colds and flu. On the other hand, there are many plants in nature that act both antiviral and antibacterial and can be used freely without fear of harm.

Garlic acts on viruses, bacteria and fungi, so it is a universal remedy for all infectious diseases. It is the strongest natural antibiotic and a great fighter against fungi, especially candida. It is also great for alkalizing the body, which is one of the best ways to protect against all diseases. It is best to eat fresh – two or three cloves a day. The smell of garlic can be mitigated by nibbling on a well-washed lemon zest. If you can’t eat it, use garlic tincture, which is also very effective.

It works by preventing bacteria from attaching to the mucous membrane of the urinary tract, preventing the development of a urinary tract infection. It also has an antiviral effect and is a natural aspirin, containing chemicals that stop diarrhea. It can be consumed fresh, frozen or in the form of tea and natural juice.

It has strong antibiotic properties and is especially effective in case of urinary tract infections. Cranberry prevents the bacterium, which causes infections, from attaching to the cells of the mucous membrane lining the bladder and urinary tract, thus preventing the recurrence of urinary tract infections. It is recommended for people who have inflammation of the urinary tract several times a year, and it is best to use it in the form of tea or juice. It should be noted that cranberries also have antiviral effects.
Echinacea has recently become the most popular antiviral herb in the world. Given that it strengthens and stimulates the immune system, it is also useful in fighting bacteria. Echinacea has been shown to be effective in acute respiratory infections, including influenza, colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, and ear infections. Drops of this herb should be used during the cold season or at the first sign of illness. However, it is not recommended to take them for more than a week or so.

It is mostly used in the case of colds, because it strengthens the immune system, facilitates breathing and coughing, lowers the temperature and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ginger also has an antibiotic effect (among other things, it destroys the bacteria salmonella and staphylococcus), and it is also used to treat fungal infections. Ginger root is used fresh or in the form of tea.
It is indispensable for treating candida infections, whether in the form of capsules, tablets, tincture or tea, strengthens the immune system, and is an excellent remedy for flu and colds, chronic fatigue syndrome, bronchitis or HIV. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is also useful in cases of acute bronchitis, with symptoms of airway inflammation and muscle pain.

It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It is suitable for rinsing the throat, mouth, nose in case of inflammation, sneezing, hoarseness, it is used in the therapy for inflammation of the urinary tract, but also for strengthening the organism and for purifying the blood. It is effective against bacteria, including Escherichia coli and Salmonella, as well as for removing some fungal diseases.
It is especially known as a cough reliever, and also works against colds and flu. To wash the gums and throat, use marshmallow root extract. It is also useful for treating diseases of the urogenital tract. It is drunk in the form of tea or syrup, which is made so that the root is soaked in water for 12 hours, and then mixed with honey.
Black cumin
Egyptian pharaohs considered black cumin oil to be a cure for all diseases. Indeed, thanks to its rich chemical composition, black cumin affects a wide range of various disorders in the body. It strengthens the immune system, treats bronchitis and chronic cough, gives excellent results in treating allergies and asthma. This powerful natural antibiotic can also be taken by children.
It contains a lot of antioxidants, and the oil of this fragrant herb has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. It is a good source of magnesium, fiber, iron and calcium, so it works against arthritis, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, diarrhea, toothache, bad breath, headaches. In addition, it boosts energy and improves cognitive function, removes viral, bacterial and fungal infections, and is especially effective in combination with honey, when it becomes a “universal remedy” that removes urinary and skin infections and colds, treats pimples. and skin infections, boosting immunity.
Olive leaf
Eleonolic acid is responsible for the anti-viral effect of olive oil, which prevents the formation of transcriptase and protease – enzymes needed by some viruses to damage healthy cells. The leaves of the olive leaf contribute to the treatment of herpes and other viral diseases, flu and colds, fungal infections, chronic fatigue and allergies, and even act on HIV.

There are many species of this herb whose leaves have long been used as medicine. Oregano is rich in tannins, phenols, flavonoids, vitamins A and C, as well as minerals. The essential oil of this herb has antibacterial properties, and research has confirmed that it is more effective in combating infections than classic antibiotics. Oregano destroys 25 species of bacteria and is one of the strongest natural antiseptics and antibiotics.
Bear grapes
It contains tannins and active glucoside arbutozide, which breaks down glucose and hydroquinone in the body and is a powerful antiseptic. In addition, the other ingredients of this herb develop diuretic, disinfectant and sedative properties. Bear tea cures enlarged grapes, infections and other diseases of the urinary tract. The leaves of this herb, alone or mixed with other medicinal herbs, are an excellent means of disinfecting the urinary tract, especially in the case of chronic inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), and also prevent the retention of bacteria on the urinary tract, thus preventing recurrence. occurrence of infection.