8 Most Healthiest Mushrooms That Have Strong Anti-CANCER Effect!!!


8 Most Healthiest mushrooms you should know about. 8 Most healthiest mushrooms are rich in protein and an excellent substitute for meat and many of them have a strong anti-cancer effect. Forget traditional medications, natural remedies are becoming more and more popular in the treatment of cancer symptoms like nausea, loss of appetite, and pain. […]

Seven Super Spices That Help Control Diabetes

Seven Super Spices that help control diabetes

Seven Super Spices that help control diabetes Meals can be even more healthier if some spices are added. Many of them have a positive effect on the heart and can lower the level of glucose in the blood or regulate insulin resistance. If you use them every day, you will be healthier and in the […]

Japanese Persimmon – Vitamin Bomb That Survived Nuclear Blast!

japanese persimmon

Japanese Persimmon- Vitamin Bomb That Survived Nuclear Blast!   Persimmon is a very interesting, delicious and medicinal fruit. It features a light yellow-orange to dark red-orange color depending on the species and variety, smooth tiny and shiny shell and a distinctive sweet taste. One interesting fact regarding the Japanese persimmon-Kaki. Kaki tree is also called […]