Amazing Healing Properties Of The Aloe Vera

Aloe vera

Amazing healing properties of the Aloe Vera

The healing properties of aloe vera have been known for thousands of years. Many historians and botanist believe that this plant, which grows in desert and tropical regions, originate from dry the parts of Africa. It is mentioned in the writings of the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Persians and many other cultures. Today, aloe vera can be found in warm parts of the United States and many other parts of the world.
Aloe Vera, known as aloe barbadensis, is a member of the lily family, as well as onions and garlic. Although its medicinal properties mentioned in many texts, one of the most famous example is in the writings of Dioscorides, a Greek herbalist, who accompanied the armies of the Roman Empire. He noted that aloe vera can stop the bleeding, alleviate irritation of the mucous membranes in the mouth, helps clean the stomach, and helps heal bruises, ulcers, hemorrhoids, as well as many other things.

The plant consists of thorny leaves that can reach up to 60cm in length. As the plant matures, develops stalks that grow from the central sheet group. It contains a small, yellow flowers. The flowers are covered with dots while they are immature and while they grow they get clean, bright green color. The inside of the leaves is used for medical purposes. If cut and open, you will see a gelatinous substance consisting of 99% water.

There are two different substances within the leaf of aloe. Both have healing properties, but different purpose. The outer part of the leaf, just below the surface, contains bitter yellow juice, which is used as a mild laxative. The inner part comprises a transparent gel with an unusual, slightly sweet taste. This transparent gel is appreciated remedy for many diseases.
The curative properties of aloe vera gel are attributable to its mineral and vitamin content including vitamins A, C, E, the B-vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, and potassium. Special carbohydrate polymers, glucomannan, and pectic acids also contribute to medicinal properties of Aloe Vera.

There are over 200 drug compounds in the aloe vera gel. They include many fatty acids and eight amino acids that are essential that can not be created in the human body and must be entered from through food. Some of the ingredients of Aloe vera are: calcium, choline, chromium, copper, folic acid, germanium, iron, manganese, potassium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc.

Aloe vera
Aloe vera

Here are just some of the many uses of these amazing plant

Improves immunity

A polyphenol is a substance found in the aloe vera gel and can stimulate the production of immune cells, particularly macrophages, and kill mold and bacteria, to prevent the infection. Aloe vera is considered to be an adaptogen, meaning that this contributes to the overall immune system in a way that fights stress and toxins we enter into our body from the environment.

Natural multivitamin

Since contains many vitamins and minerals, is considered ti be the perfect supplement. Add two tablespoons of aloe juice in your drink or in a glass of water in the morning.

Diabetes and obesity

The gel of aloe is traditionally used as a cure for diabetes, but modern research today support its ability to control insulin and help the body to self-regulate blood sugar levels.
Cholesterol levels are also improved when aloe vera is used as a dietary supplement. This effect is due to sterols from plants that lower blood fat levels.

Skin cuts

Apply aloe gel to the clean wound to aid healing. Its antibacterial properties, vitamins, and minerals also disinfect the wound and prevent infection.


If you have a rash of heat, eczema or psoriasis, apply some gel to the area to reduce inflammation. Not only is the heals color difference caused by disorders of the skin, but also help in rashes developed due to allergic reactions.

Skin problems

The gel is also effective against acne and can be used for cleaning of dirt, irregularities, and makeup. It is a natural analgesic and reduces itching. This makes it an excellent treatment for insect bites.
In addition, slows skin aging. In a study conducted on a group of women over the age of 45, a 90-day treatment aloe vera has improved skin elasticity and collagen production. If you’d like to try out aloe vera products and see how they could work for you, perhaps take a look into gels such as Benton Aloe Propolis Soothing Gel or others and see how aloe vera could revitalize your skin!
Another study shows that the gel reduces redness and moisturizes the skin which improves the complexion. Some evidence suggests that anti-inflammatory properties and nurturing effects help against psoriasis and dermatitis.

Stomach problems

As we said before, the yellow, sticky juice that is located just below the surface of the leaf is a traditional remedy for constipation. The purifying effects of aloe vera will help in normalizing the gut flora.
Some evidence points to the ability of the aloe gel to reduce the effects of some stomach problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. Although scientific studies have not been able to confirm this, there is little negative effects of using aloe vera.

Its anti-inflammatory properties make it an excellent drug for pain. Relieves headaches, arthritis, rheumatism and many other painful conditions.


Due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, aloe vera helps in the treatment of eye infections, fungal infections, infections of the urinary tract. If it doesn’t help clear away your case of toenail fungus then it might be worth considering finding a doctor or podiatrist who can perform Laser Toenail Fungus Treatment on the affected area.

Heart diseases

The juice of aloe vera reduces triglycerides and cholesterol. It protects the body from oxidation and increases the level of oxygen in the blood.

Physical fatigue

It contains electrolytes, which help the body stay hydrated and full of energy, even after the exercise. When taken before exercise, improves durability and increases cardiovascular ability during exercises. The juice of aloe vera supplies the body with the needed vitamins, minerals, enzymes and helps to quickly recover from physical exhaustion or injury.


Reduces the growth of tumor cells, particularly in colon cancer. When heated aloe vera changes its molecular structure and this process often happens in the industrial process.Commercial gels of Aloe vera often contain maltodextrin, glycerin, glucose and malic acid, and sometimes a lot of different chemicals that you do not want on your skin. If you have the necessary conditions it is best to grow the plant in your garden or balcony.You need plenty of sunshine, big flowerpot with a well-drained soil. The plant should be watered significantly and the soil should get dry few centimeters in depth before the next watering.

Due to intensive taste, drink the fresh juice of aloe vera only if necessary. Excessive amounts can deplete stocks of potassium and other electrolytes in your body.
There may be a side effect when consuming this plant with certain drugs, and should not be used by pregnant women or women with menstruation, or people with certain diseases of the liver and bladder. It is best to consult a professional before you begin internal use. Alternative natural remedies can be found in various places.

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